Nightshade Legality

Atropa Belladonna, Hyoscyamus Niger, and Mandragora are UNCONTROLLED IN THE UNITED STATES which means that all parts of the plants and their extracts are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute without a license or prescription. These plants are Unscheduled in the United States.
Controlled in Connecticut, Nevada, and Oklahoma which means that Haus of Ophidious will not ship Datura  Ointments to any of the above mentioned states. 
In Australia, Datura and atropine (present in Belladonna, Henbane, Datura, and mandrake) are Schedule 2 Substances. This means that Haus Of Ophidious will not ship any Ointment containing Datura, Henbane, Belladonna, or Mandrake to Australia. 
In Louisiana, Henbane is illegal when intended for human consumption. The law excludes the "possession, planting, cultivation, growing or harvesting" of these plants. This does not affect the legality of the Henbane ointment.
Uncontrolled and Unscheduled in the US which means all parts of the plant and its extracts are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute without a license or prescription. 

Uncontrolled in the US which means all parts of the plant and its extracts are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute without a license or prescription. 


In Louisiana, Mandrake is illegal when intended for human consumption. The law excludes the “Possession, planting, cultivation, growing or harvesting” of these plants. This does not affect the legality of the Mandrake Ointment.


Due to the regulation of Henbane, Belladonna, and Datura, Haus Of Ophidious will not ship any items containing the above mentioned to Canada. If an order is placed for an item containing one or more of the above mentioned plants a refund will be automatically processed with a follow up email detailing why we cannot ship to you.



1: Datura Source

2: Henbane Source

3: Mandrake Source

4: Belladonna Source

5: Datura and Atropine Source

I am not a lawyer and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. This information has been provided for legal and research purposes and was gathered from numerous sources such as legal documents and Erowid Vaults. Haus Of Ophidious and its owner cannot be held accountable for how this information is used.